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A member registered Jun 25, 2019

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That was good!

I am guessing this is plays in the same world as Please/ or in a alternate version of that world, which is why you choose this name. 

The little Puzzles were really nice, it took me a bit to understand the last one (I am not the brightest). But they were fun.

I could go on about how I love the graphic style of this, but that is someting I love in all your works. This oldish graphic look always gets me, no matter what kind of game.

In games like this it works even better, it gives a bit room for fantasy how things would look in reality or what we are even seeing an the brain likes to make that creepy.

In conclusion:

Another great and interesting experience by somewhat.

I am really looking forward to whatever other things you will bless us with in the future!

First Game:

I really liked the Point and Click Adventure like controls here.  

The room also just feels creepy, the projection of a random field with a chair, the radio, the empty book, the Face on the Computer Screen. Really great

Second Game:

The Photorealistic Background really adds a level of uneasyness, this becomes worse once you enter the other shack and take a look at the background there.

Also the way the protagonist moves is really unsettling.

I was scared to move to the next screen all the time

Another great game, I really loved it. 

Sound is something that sometimes gets overlooked, but it is such a important part of atmosphere and this game really showed that.

The loud noises that nearly hurt add a lot to the uncomfortable feeling I as a player feelt which added a lot to the experience.

Really, your games are great and deserve so much more attention